Why I felt disappointed with the gift level of my conscious sun in Gene Keys

gene keys human design energies Nov 10, 2021

I wanna leverage my Gene Keys but ‘patience’ sounds so boring!


When I learnt about the conscious sun in Human Design I was so excited to see what the gift level of my conscious sun was. The conscious sun is the top black gate on the right hand side of the chart and this is 70% of your energy, it's a masculine, powerful, bright branding energy that shines out your light for people to easily connect with you and your energy. 


I wanted the gift level of my conscious sun to be powerful, inspiring and fierce but I was actually really disappointed.


The gift level of my conscious sun in gate 5 is Patience.


'Patience! That doesn't sound very sexy or fierce' I thought.


Plus I've always been told that I'm too impatient!


The shadow of my conscious sun is impatience, the energy I fall into when I feel defensive or triggered. I was also desperate for my life and business to move quicker, for abundance and success to come more quickly and patience just sounded constrictive and dull.


When I started to understand what patience really means -  having immense trust in the cycles of life, trusting I can't control everything, trusting the right things will be bought to me at the right time, that's when I started to fall in love with my conscious sun energy.


The conditioning that I'd picked up had me thinking patience was somehow not as 'fun' as some of the other gift levels in Gene Keys. I now understood I can't control everything, I see how powerful patience is, because it's much harder to trust and surrender than try and control everything.


That realisation paired with my passive, non-specific manifesting style has bought incredible things to me.  Also things I thought were right have fallen away, and that's ok.

What's the gift level of your conscious sun in Gene Keys?