Why Human Design made me unfollow 2,500 accounts on Instagram

business Nov 02, 2021

In my human design chart I have a lot of energy that helps me recognise patterns and cycles and patterns in others as well as in my own life.


I've been in a pattern for nearly 50 years of doing the emotional labour for others, making others lives comfortable so I feel safe and comfortable doing what I desire to do.


I lived in perpetual fear of disappointing people and not being a good girl in others eyes.


Conditional worth - that conditioning we create in children that says good girls behave a specific way kept me squashed and small for decades.


In Human Design I have an open head centre.  When it was out of alignment I would fall into endless patterns of trying to solve other people's problems so I felt safe.


My open head centre also asked endless questions and tried to execute on every idea that came into my reality.


That meant I've left behind me a trail of failed businesses because I was executing on ideas that were never mine. I get so inspired by others that I constantly think that I'm coming up with new ideas and new ways to run my business that are my ideas but they're not, they're inspired by other people.


That's why I've unfollowed most people on social media.


I need to be a clear channel for this shift in my business and I can't when I'm so inspired by what's going on around me.


When we understand how to work with our energy and why we've been gifted this knowledge of Human Design, powerful transformations take place. Mastering your innate energetics is the single most important work you can do in this lifetime because that's where true change and true expansion happens. Which parts of your Human Design are you most curious about and how can you create expansion by mastering your innate energies?