Stop doing this if you desire an abundant business

business human design energies Mar 22, 2022

When I wanted to start my business, the first thing I did was start researching what everyone else in Human Design was doing.

I had been conditioned not to trust my own judgement, my own intuition, but instead to look outside of myself for external guidance.

And, as it turned out, it was the very worst thing I could do.

Because what I was doing was comparing myself to existing paradigms, existing ways of thinking and running a business.

But times are a changin’ boo!

The magic, the abundance, the success, all the answers we need lie inside us.

We’re here, you and me, to do business in a new way.

A way that asks itself ‘What is the highest service I can perform for my fellow human beings and the earth?’ 

The new business paradigm is calling us to work together to share skills and resources to bring about collective prosperity.

This way of creating business, through understanding our aligned defined and undefined energy, has the capacity to completely transform our world.

We have the opportunity to play a role in the expansion of the new global consciousness when we create and run businesses that are authentic to us.

The students I teach all have the same vision at heart.

They know raising consciousness through commerce is not just an idealistic dream but a real possibility.

They understand commerce can become a sacred way of serving ourselves and the world

We just have to begin it in a new way.

In Level 4 of MASTERY - The Human Design Training Experience I teach you how to create and run these new conscious businesses.

This program carries the potential to make this dream real.

I teach you how to Offer role is to oversee the whole project and work out how best to deliver it to the world

The freedom to self organise

Very deep understanding combined with a light touch

Smashing old paradigms and innovating an entirely new structure and language that can maximise the amazing creative genius inherent in the human race

Business Mastery is the fourth level of MASTERY - The Human Design Training Experience. 

DM the word ‘MASTERY’ to me to register for the free info session on 29 March 2022 @7pm EST.