I don't belong here!

psychic abilities Nov 07, 2021

Ever since I was a child I felt like there was just something a bit different about me. I saw things, I felt things, I heard things and even now the material plane sometimes doesn't make much sense to me and I don't feel comfortable here a lot of the time.  I have this restless, agitated feeling that comes with not quite being in the right place.


I've always had times in my life, and still do, where momentarily, I feel like I shift into another dimension that's full of love, peace and joy.  I recognise that feeling and stay there for maybe 10 seconds and then it brings me back to the physical plane. For years I wasn't able to verbalize or conceptualize this feeling of shifting into another dimension for brief periods.


Learning to trust myself by seeing who I really am through the lens of my Human Design is helping me step forward and share this.


Through my defined G centre I've always known who I am but I've never been able to verbalize it and I certainly haven't been able to share it - I'm someone who's here but always has a foot in another dimension at some level.

I see the Human Design chart as a portal, a window we're being gifted in this time of confusion but also expansion, a map we can use to find a way back to connecting with our intuition, our spirit guides and the guidance and abundance that's always available to us.


Coaching through the lens of Human Design, I help my clients see themselves through their chart to embody who they are, I help them return to themselves. I've seen my clients expand so fast and rise up so many levels of awakening that it sometimes takes my breath away.

To create this level of expansion we need to be honest and transparent about who we really are and understanding yourself and your energy through Human Design is one of the first steps in this 'remembering' journey.