Wealth Themes in Human Design

human design energies Jan 26, 2022

What is a 'wealth theme' in Human Design and how can you and your clients use it?

Did you know each of the Human Design types has their own 'wealth theme'?

Each type is designed to create and attract prosperity in a different way.

Wealth themes in Human Design are closely aligned with the strategy for each type.

When we are taking action in alignment with our strategy, our energy is in alignment and we are a clear channel for Spirit and the frequency of universal abundance.

As a Generator, my wealth theme is mastery over time. I need to move through the intitial sacral excitement of responding to something new then not giving up through frustration when I reach the inevitable plateau.

Knowing this about my energy helps me move through the plateau to continue learning to achieve mastery over time.

That is exactly what has happened on my journey to mastering the abundance energies in my Human Design chart and Gene Keys profile.

  • The wealth themes for each type:
    Generators - Mastery over time
    Manifesting Generators - Shortcuts to mastery
    Manifestors - Non verbal creative flow
    Projectors - Midwives to the Universe
    Reflectors - Early warning system

Want to learn more about the how to understand the wealth themes for each type? Join me for 'Unconditional Money Live' 22-26 Feb.

If you desire to unlock your innate wealth to change the f**k out of your life and the world! Click HERE to grab your free seat!