Unlock your wealth to change the f**cking world loves!

human design energies Jan 17, 2022

Money is energy.


It is the energy of abundance.


Abundance is our birthright.


We were born to live in abundance.


But we have been conditioned to think money belongs to others and we must 'earn' it or 'make' it. That, my loves, is utter bulls**t!


Energy runs through the Human Design chart in circuits.


And money is energy.


The energy of money runs through the channels, centers and gates of the Human Design chart. How it runs is different for all of us because our charts are unique.


So how do we map the flow of money & abundance through our chart in a way which makes it accessible and empowering?


How do we get money into the hands of good people like you who will use it to create a new world as we move towards 2027?


We use a map.


Money Cartography ™ is the divine art of unlocking prosperity through money mapping.


Money Cartography ™ has four pillars & Human Design is just one of them.


There is so much more to the map of our money.


There is so much more to tell you & I'm so excited to share this with you very soon!


Watch us change the world!


I intend to start a not for profit dog 🐕 rescue. 


What's one thing you will do with money to change the f**cking world?