Human Design is not just for Spiritual coaches

human design energies Nov 09, 2021

Human Design has always existed in the quantum field but when the collective most needs it it's dropped into our awareness again. It comes in a form we can comprehend and we can use in our daily life here on the material plane.


Human Design is an incredible tool for coaches to understand their clients at a deeper level and for those clients to get to know themselves, sometimes for the first time, to create expansion in their business, in their lives and powerfully contribute to this new world we're bringing in.

But the more I master and embody this sacred information, I know it's for everybody, no matter what business you have, or what your life looks like, Human Design helps you at every level.  Know what actions to take, how to make decisions, how to create sovereignty in your energy so that you're not constantly in that comparison game. It stops you being pulled in 1000 different directions by your business, clients, social media, family and friends.


It gives you core stability to stand in your own power and not be swayed constantly by external forces that have your energy feeling scattered and chaotic and being forever dictated to by the conditioning we experience from birth.


I know my work here on the physical plane is to introduce as many people as possible to Human Design. Even if they don't use it in business, they can use it to create a coherent, cohesive, joyful, abundant life whether they only use a very small part of their chart or they understand the whole picture, It's another tool to help us to live independently and unplug from the Matrix we're conditioned to live in to satisfy other people's agendas.


More people are reaching out to me that aren't coaches. 

DM me @beccabyhumandesign and tell me how Human Design helps in your day to day life, I'd love to hear!