F**k looking outward for answers to our prosperity!

business human design energies Jan 15, 2022

In Human Design, the global current cycle we are in from 2020-2027, is moving collectively from the Incarnation Cross of Planning (1615-2027) to the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix (2027-2438).


So how is this relevant to your prosperity?


We're currently experiencing the energy of the Cross of Planning. This energy influenced humanity to work together in a way we never had before and our modern democracy was born from this energy. This phase that is slowly coming to an end was about the creation of bargains and deals to form communities.


We’ve been conditioned that to be safe and survive we need to work hard to pay our share of taxes to contribute to the community. This system has always been open to corruption and we are now seeing the gradual disintegration of those systems built keeping us controlled through collective fear. We have been taught to always look outward for answers and that there’s always someone who knows better than us about everything from how to run our business to how to create prosperity.


In 2027 we move into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix


The Sleeping Phoenix rises from the ashes. We're moving from tribal energy to individual energy. We're being called to go inward & trust ourselves for answers. Gate 55 (Abundance) will be a pivotal energy in this new phase.


Gate 55 is one of the pillars of Money Cartography ™


Money Cartography ™ is the divine art of embodying prosperity through money mapping.


This system has transformed how I embody prosperity and I am so freaking pumped to share more with you very soon!