The Channel of the Thinker 61/24 doesn't have to be logical or satisfy the collective

business human design channels Jan 02, 2022

I love how contradictory this channel appears.


Thinking doesn't have to be logical or satisfy anyone.


But aren’t we conditioned to think our way through things as entrepreneurs?


Isn’t making ‘logical’ decisions the only way we can be truly safe or certain?




If you're always trying to think your way through things, ‘forehead’ thinking can have you spiralling into an ever deepening hole of asking ‘why’ and ‘how’.


This channel asks why and how but leaning into the mysterious and occult (true meaning: magic) by dropping your focus backwards behind the ears helps your thoughts flow like waves, similar to emotions in the solar plexus.


This is ‘mutative thinking’ and mutation is the only way in which variation enters the species.


So as an entrepreneur with this channel, are you using mutative thinking to make using psychic abilities in business commonplace and everyday? I feel you are.


This is a deeply auditory channel, lean into your clairaudience by getting quiet & stepping back from the thoughts always racing at the front of your head.


It’s usual for you to have a lot of noise in your head. Focus on dropping your energy backwards to contemplate questions about your business instead of ‘overthinking’ yourself into burnout.


Drop back, lean into your psychic energies, put some music on, chat to your Spirit guides & give your mutative thinking some fertile ground to bring in something new.


How do you experience your ‘Channel of the Thinker'?