Channel 63-4 The Channel of Logic

business human design channels Jan 04, 2022

With Channel 63-4, accept you are designed to think and worry and your life will become easier and more peaceful.


This is a design of mental ease mixed with doubt so finding balance is the key to your peace of mind.


This channel knows everything has a consequence and you feel the pressure to work it out. You start by asking ‘can this be true?’


You can be plagued by worry & doubt but peace comes when you shift your perception to see that not every situation or problem needs fixing, you can’t change everything.


Lean into ease & flow by finding balance between how much you focus on your problem-seeking thoughts & relaxing into enjoying your life.


You are better suited to finding solutions to others problems, rather than constantly focusing on your own.


This is a highly visual channel and also associated with dreaming so get curious about developing your clairvoyance by focusing on observing the details of your environment.


Focus on details to commit them to memory and start to build a library of reference images you can use in partnership with Spirit.


Your Spiritual board members in the form of guides, angels and passed loved ones are ready to gather and help guide you to the services and offers that you are here & CEO.


Use drawing and coloring to move into a place of reception to receive guidance about everything from the name of your offers, to the modules you teach, how you market, everything.


Offers and programs come through us not from us and giving this channel the space to step away from relentless worrying for a time allows your Spiritual board members to drop in with guidance for the next right steps.


Loves! How do you experience this channel?