Human Design: A blueprint for life in 2021 backed by ancient wisdoms

human design energies Nov 02, 2021


My business is a vehicle for my spiritual journey and for the first time in my life I’m showing up as who I actually am.


Before I understood energy work I used to feel like I was standing outside of myself looking in.


Behaving according to the rules to keep me safe and unseen so I couldn’t be singled out for ridicule.


Keeping myself ‘small and convenient’ for others meant I lived a life scripted and suffocated by society.


I won’t be scripted anymore, I have something to say and something to bring to the table and damn I’m bringing it.


Keeping myself small meant I never really knew who I was so how on earth could I serve others with a business that had no direction.


That’s why every business I tried for over a decade in a bid to escape my soul numbing misery in the corporate world didn’t work.


My soul wasn’t in those business ventures and the universe tried to show me the way time and time again but I was too busy keeping myself small and convenient to see the signs.


And then Human Design found its way to me and things changed overnight.


My energy, my purpose, everything.


I stopped listening to the people telling me how to behave and embodied my 6/2 energy in such a powerful, mind blowing way that the bullshit fell away and I stepped in to what I am here on the earth plane to do.


I’m here to be a role model. A visionary. To change lives. To show women what it looks like when they truly understand their incredible juicy, potent power.


My manifestations come so fast sometimes they overwhelm me. 


That’s how incredibly powerful I am now, thanks to Human Design & the ancient wisdom its injects straight into the heart of my life and my client’s lives.


I want the same for you. So my love, are you ready to go deeper?