The Culture Sphere in Gene Keys

Jan 23, 2022

Your direct money block.

The shadow of the culture sphere (unconscious Jupiter) can directly block the flow of money to us. If we desire money of lower level energies like greed or fear, we can attract others in the same vibration.

Once we understand and embrace our vocation in unconscious mars, the resources we need come rushing up to meet us in the Culture sphere.

Also known as the 'celestial gathering point', the Culture sphere in the Pearl Sequence is a force that draws in your 'fractal tribe'. This yin force acts like an energetic lighthouse that draws others towards you and draws you towards them.

The culture sphere brings others to us who can support us in our journey to unfolding our prosperity.

It also reveals our 'celestial geometry' - the size of group we are designed to work in - the size of group with a specific purpose and power in the bigger picture.

So how does this actually play out in our life and business?

The line of the culture sphere can shows us what size of container our energy is most potent in.

Run a chart for your offer and the line of the culture sphere shows you if its designed to be a smaller container like a mastermind or if its designed to reach thousands.

The culture sphere for Money Cartography™ is a line 4, its designed to alchemize different aspects and bring them together in new and novel ways to unlock prosperity.

Want to unlock your prosperity? Join me for 'Unconditional Money Live' 22-26 Feb If you desire to unlock your innate wealth to change the f**k outof your life and the world! Click HERE to grab your free seat.