F*** having to prove your worth or value to anyone

mindset Nov 03, 2021

I've wasted so much freaking time tying myself in knots in my business trying to prove to potential clients what my services are worth and how much value they hold.

I pushed, forced and hustled and it never ever did any damn good.

We are worthy because we exist.

We have value because we exist.

Human Design has taught me that trying to use my willpower to pull torturously long hours in my business goes against the way my energy is designed.

Why did I push, hustle and torture myself with lack of sleep and endless frustration? Because that's how we're conditioned to run online businesses.

I thought the only measure of my value were the long hours and hustle I put into my business.

In my Human Design chart I have an open Ego Centre. I'm designed to have my desires flow to me. I'm designed to let the situation around me show me my value and worth, but this goes against everything I was conditioned to think.

I don't have to fight anymore to pull together scraps of self-worth to feel good enough to put an offer out into the world.

I get to create offers infused with my magnetic energy and then I get to understand my value and my worth as it's reflected back to me by the souls who purchase those programs.

This is a whole new paradigm of doing business I've leant into in the last twelve months and one which has bought me incredible joy and abundance.

We can all feel this joy and abundance in our own businesses when we understand how our Ego Centre works.