Why I stopped running my business from my frontal lobe.
Jan 01, 2022
We’re taught to make logical decisions in our business and think things through or we won’t be successful.
I call bulls**t on that in 2022!
Making business decisions from our frontal lobe keeps us trapped in the illusion of the material plane.
It stops us accessing divine wisdom that has always been available to us but we have been conditioned out of seeing it.
That’s not for me anymore and shouldn’t be for any entrepreneurs in the new business paradigm we’re stepping into.
All the wisdom we could ever need is here but we can’t see it through the illusion of thinking we need to conform.
The vibration of abundance and service is here, but the illusion keeps us separate.
All it takes is a shift in perception to tap into this frequency but when we try to ‘think’ our way through business, our rampant ‘forehead’ thinking keeps us spinning in a loop where we’re not able to access our intuition & spirit guides.
When we drop back away from the frantic frontal lobe thinking & bring our awareness back behind our ears, we can receive what we need.
Allowing our focus to shift backwards gives us access to that warm, expansive space of reception.
That’s where I create my business from.
That's where I talk to my spirit guides and angels from.
My vision is for this frequency of divine wisdom to be accessible to all business owners ...and soon!
Something is coming to help all entrepreneurs access this expansive frequency so we can truly step into this new world to serve the collective.
And I cannot f**king wait!
*this post was inspired by the visionary @shawnaristic on @wedontdieradioshow