An earthquake turned my business completely upside down last week

business human design energies mindset Nov 11, 2021

I had everything planned out and I knew what was happening next year but oh how wrong I was! Overnight everything changed. A huge part of my business changed in the space of a few hours and it could have thrown me completely upside down.


Before I found out about Human Design it would most definitely have turned me upside down. I would have cried and wailed and railed against the unfairness of life 'why is this happening to me' and 'it's not fair', 'I'm a good person', 'I do things right', and on and on with the pity party.


But now I've developed sovereignty over my life, my energy and how I respond to things.


I no longer get swayed and pulled and pushed around by life like the wibbly wobbly guy filled with air outside the car dealership. That used to be me but no more. Understanding my Human Design chart has grounded me firmly and my core stability, one of the pathways in the Gene Keys activation sequence between the radiance and purpose spheres, has set up to see this change has made space for something incredible!


Working on my energetics, along with strengthening my spine and core has me standing strong like a firm oak tree when the winds of change and turbulence whiparound me. But now they don't uproot me. They may give me pause for a while but they don't knock me down. I know the life I want and I know how to create it, thanks to Human Design.


I ground into my Core Stability over again. Without Human Design I would never have found my sovereignty, power, the ability to stand firm without getting thrown around on the rough seas. Core Stability is something I take my clients through to give them the same firm foundation I've found to set them up to step into their immense power.

What would it feel like to anchor into your core stability?


I have 2 1:1 coaching spots available, DM me for deets @beccabyhumandesign, love you!